Durata de livrare: 1
Corzi Evah Pirazzi Gold viola. A otel cromat, D si G argint, C wolfram-argint, capat cu bila, coarda A capat cu bila detasabila, 4/4, tensiune medie.
Proprietati: corzile pentru viola Evah Pirazzi Gold sunt corzi cu miez sintetic de ultima generatie fabricat exclusiv de Pirastro. Ofera un sunet stralucitor si complex. Au un raspuns rapid la impuls. Se instaleaza rapid si ofera o excelenta stabilitate acordajului. Nu sunt sensibile la variatiile de temperatura si umiditate. Pentru cele mai bune rezultate se recomanda utilizarea sacazului Evah Pirazzi Gold.
Robert Cauer: 'I just tried out your new Evah Pirazzi Gold string set for viola. To my amazement these strings are not only a bit stronger than anything I have been using so far but they also improved the quality of the sound on that viola considerably. I usually have to put strings from different brands on the viola to make up for the naturally sharper sound on the A and the duller sound on the C string. There was no need to do this with these new strings. This new set makes some of my violas considerably more sellable. Congratulations and thank you.'
Coardă: SET
Material: Argint, Otel, Wolfram, Crom
Nr. zile livrare Bucuresti: La comanda
Nr. zile livrare provincie: La comanda
Fabricat in: DE