Durata de livrare: 1
Coarda A Il Cannone Soloist vioara, miez sintetic matisat cu aluminiu. Proprietati: corzile Larsen Il Canone Soloist pentru vioara ofera un sunet nobil, puternic, clar, deschis. Au un raspuns rapid si usor in special in spicatto. Corzile cu tensiune medie ofera un sunet deschis, bogat si puternic in timp ce corzile Soloist au un ton mai plin si cu mai mult focus.
Rusandra Panfili: “I use the new Il Cannone violin strings and my violin and me have never been this happy with a line of violin strings. I have been using Larsen strings for several years now and this line is specifically perfect for a soloist bringing that extra kick of power and quality to it!”
Coardă: A
Material: Sintetic, Aluminiu
Nr. zile livrare Bucuresti: 1-2
Nr. zile livrare provincie: 1-2
Fabricat in: DK